Fat Hips? Reduce Your Hip Fat in 6 Weeks Flat

If you have fat hips and want to reduce your hip fat, then there are a few things that you will need to know first.

First of all it is not possible to spot reduce fat. What this means is that you cannot lose fat from just one particular area while the rest of your body stays fat. Your body works as a whole, so you need to lose fat period!

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The first thing that you must do if you want to get rid of the fat around your hips is to reduce calories. I can sense you having a groan, at this, because it sounds like every other diet out there. However it's just the way it has to be, but if you don't want to do this, then its fine, I'm sure you have other things you could be doing.

Fat Hips? Reduce Your Hip Fat in 6 Weeks Flat

If you are prepared to do this then great, let's get on with it. Reduce around 500 calories a day from your diet for the first 2 weeks. I don't mean that you should drop a meal from your diet, that won't help at all. Reduce these calories by eating smaller meals through the day.

You will reduce hip fat by doing this, but if you want to speed this up then you will have to exercise (I can sense another groan). If you want reduce your fat hips quickly, then exercise will help you get there much faster.

The traditional method to losing fat is to use cardio exercises. Now I know cardio can get very boring, because of that I don't want you to spend 30-45 minutes doing cardio sessions (hurray). All you need is around 15 minutes each day.

Introduce interval training into your cardio training. This means doing cardio at a steady pace for a couple of minutes, and then going as fast as you can for 1 minute, and then go back to a steady pace for a couple of minutes again. Just repeat this for the full 15 minutes, and you will not only get a great workout, you will boost your metabolic rate (more calorie burning).

After 2 weeks, drop another 200 calories a day from your diet, and for your cardio training, increase the time that you speed up from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. At the end of this you will notice a reduction in your hip fat. Two weeks after this decrease your calories by another 200 calories, and increase your interval speed from 90 seconds to 120 seconds.

Your cardio training can be running, cycling, skipping, rowing, or a stepper. It doesn't matter, pick one you are going to be happy with, or mix up what you do. Stick to this plan for 6 weeks straight and your fat hips will be gone, and hip fat will be something that you used to have.

Fat Hips? Reduce Your Hip Fat in 6 Weeks Flat

Discover how you can lose fat [http://www.easierwayz.com/pages/losing-weight/strip-that-fat-review-will-it-work-for-you/] with one of the most widely used diet programs [http://www.easierwayz.com/pages/losing-weight/strip-that-fat-review-will-it-work-for-you/] available anywhere on the net